Join us in Contributing to a Safer Community

2023-05-11Updated: 2023-05-12 Fremont County Women Who Care

At the recent meeting held at The Winery at Holy Cross Abbey, Fremont County Women Who Care made a significant decision by selecting Fremont Search and Rescue (SAR) as the chosen nonprofit organization. This dedicated group of individuals works tirelessly to ensure the safety and well-being of our community members during emergencies and critical situations. As members of this compassionate and impactful organization, we now have the opportunity to contribute and make a meaningful difference in their mission. Fremont Search and Rescue plays a vital role in our community, providing assistance during wilderness rescues, emergency situations, and other critical incidents. Their... Read The Rest
Impactful Donations to Fremont County Non-Profits

2023-05-02Updated: 2023-05-03 Fremont County Women Who Care

Fremont Women Who Care is a philanthropic organization dedicated to supporting local non-profit organizations in Fremont County and the surrounding areas. Since its inception, the organization has made significant contributions to various non-profits in the area. In 2021, the organization donated a total of $17,000 to four non-profits. The recipients of the donations were RGRIO, CCPD K9 Unit, CC Literacy Center, and Boys & Girls Club. RGRIO received the largest donation of $5,500. In 2022, Fremont Women Who Care continued their philanthropic efforts and donated a total of $16,850 to four non-profit organizations. The beneficiaries of the donations were Loaves & Fishes,... Read The Rest